General terms and conditions of online sales

The present conditions of sale are concluded by SEASON SAS company, with a capital of 5000 euros, having its registered office is located at 28 rue Kléber - 93100 Montreuil, France, registered with the Bobigny Trade Court, under NO RCS: 824 938 062 hereinafter referred to as SEASON SAS, and by any individual or legal entity wishing to purchase through SEASON SAS website, hereinafter the buyer.

Article 1. Object

The present conditions of sales aim to define the contractual relations between SEASON SAS and the buyer and the conditions applicable to any purchase made through the merchant site of SEASON SAS, whether the buyer is a professional or consumer.
The acquisition of a good or service through the present site implies an acceptance without reserve by the buyer of the present conditions of sale.
These general conditions of sale shall prevail over any other general or particular conditions not expressly approved by SEASON SAS.
SEASON SAS reserves the right to modify its general conditions of sale at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force at the date of the order by the buyer.

Article 2. Characteristics of the goods and services offered.

The goods and services offered are those listed in the catalog published on the SEASON SAS website.
Those goods and services are offered within the limit of available product stock.  
Each product is provided with a description drawn up by the supplier; for some of them, the buyer can have access to the supplier’s documentation.
The photographs in the catalog are as accurate as possible but cannot ensure a perfect similarity with the product offered, especially regarding colors.

Article 3. Prices

The prices that appeared in the catalog are prices in Euros, inclusive of tax, and inclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate applicable on the date of the order; any change in the statutory rate of VAT may be reflected in the price of the products or services. 
SEASON SAS reserves the right to adjust prices at any time, it is understood, however, that the price appearing in the catalog on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the buyer.
The prices indicated include order processing costs, but do not include shipping and delivery costs.

Article 4. Geographic area

We deliver in France, Europe and almost everywhere in the world, if you have difficulties to place your order, please contact us here.

Article 5. Orders

The buyer who wishes to buy a product or a service must :
– fill in the registration form on which he will indicate all the requested details;
– validate his order after having checked it;
– make the payment in the condition provided;
– confirm his order and his payment.
The confirmation of the order implies acceptance of these conditions of sale, the recognition of having perfect knowledge of them, and the renunciation to take advantage of its own conditions of purchase or other conditions.
All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will be worth proof of the transaction. The confirmation will be worth the signature and acceptance of the operations carried out.
The seller will communicate by e-mail confirmation of the registered order.

Article 6. Withdrawal

Buyers, non-professional individuals, have a withdrawal period of fourteen days from the delivery of their order to return the product to the seller for exchange or refund without penalty, except for return costs.

Article 7. Terms of payment

The price is due at the time of the order. Payments will be made by credit card or Paypal. They will be made through the protective mode of payment SSL (Secure Socket Layer) so the information transmitted is encrypted by software and cannot be accessed by any third party when on the network.
The buyer's bank account will be debited after the validation of the order.
An invoice including VAT is available at any time in the buyer's account, or on request.

We also offer 3x interest-free installments via Alma for purchases of €250 or more in the following countries: France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Italy, Austria, Ireland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

Article 8. Delivery

Deliveries are made to the address indicated on the order which can only be in the agreed geographical area.
The risks are the responsibility of the buyer from the moment the products have left the premises of SEASON SAS.
In case of damage during shipment, a reasoned protest must be made to the carrier within three days of delivery.
Delivery deadlines are given as an indication only; if they exceed thirty days from the order, the sales contract may be canceled and the buyer refunded.

Article 9. Guarantee

All products supplied by the seller benefit from the legal guarantee provided by articles 1641 and following the Civil Code. In case of non-conformity of a product sold, it can be returned to the seller who will take it back, exchange it or, refund it. All claims, requests for exchange or refund must be made by mail to the following address within thirty days of delivery: 

16 rue Paul Henri Spaak
77400 Saint-Tibault-des-vignes

Article 10. Responsibility

 The seller, in the process of selling online, is only bound by an obligation of means; his responsibility cannot be engaged for damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, rupture of service, or other involuntary problems.

Article 11. Intellectual property

All elements of the SEASON SAS website are and remain the exclusive intellectual property of SEASON SAS.
No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, rebroadcast, or use for any purpose, even partially, the elements of the site whether they are software, visual, or sound.

Article 12. Personal data

In compliance with the French Data-Processing & Freedoms law of January 6, 1978, information of a personal nature relating to buyers may be subject to automated processing.
SEASON SAS reserves the right to collect information on buyers, including by using cookies.
Buyers may object to the disclosure of their personal information by notifying SEASON SAS. Also, users have the right to access and  rectify data concerning them, in accordance with the law of January 6, 1978.The automated processing of information, including the management of e-mail addresses of users of the site has been declared to the CNIL under number ?? of ??? 

Article 13. Archiving - Evidence

SEASON SAS will archive the invoices on a reliable and durable support constituting a faithful copy in accordance with the provisions of article 1348 of the Civil Code.
The computerized registers of SEASON SAS will be considered by the parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties.

Article 14. Dispute Resolution

The present conditions of online sale are subject to French law.
In the event of a dispute, jurisdiction is given to the competent courts of Paris, notwithstanding multiple defendants or warranty claims.